30 October 2013

The End of an Era .............. and A New Beginning

We are leaving our Armadale store in Melbourne after many years.

The website is temporarily on hold, and will be back in action in the New Year.
Many new products will be available, as well as many favourites.
Please look out for them.
Our contact details will also change, and will appear on the refreshed site.
A heartfelt 'Thank you' to our many loyal customers, who have supported us so well.
Don't despair - 'We'll be back!'

22 September 2013

How to Paint a Tonga Drum

Here is a drum from northern Zimbabwe being decorated in the traditional patterns and colours.

Everyone gathers round to lend a hand to mix the red oxide, charcoal and white clay, which are the hallmarks of the Tonga drum.

The logs to the left are going to be used shortly, to build a new house. The pointed ends will be driven into the ground to form walls.

The Zambezi river flows along in the valley behind the house. It is the village water supply.

This is a marvelous illustration of African self-sufficiency, which is entirely unavailable in Western urban culture.

30 August 2013

Africa - A Colonial Carve-Up

This map of 1888 shows the African continent, seen through European eyes in that period.

The land has been carved up and divided among the British, French, Germans and Belgians.
The only exception is Abyssinia (now Ethiopia) which remained independent. 
No attention was ever paid to inter-tribal relationships and local ownership.
This land grab laid the foundation for a great deal of the conflict which plagued African countries in the 20th century and beyond.

Yet African culture has endured and strengthened in many instances, and has greatly influenced Western Art and Music.

18 August 2013

An Ancient, Modern, Concept from Africa

 This is an excellent example of the Art of the Sculptors of West Africa.

It is a mask of the Guro people, carved from wood, with a polychrome finish.

The entire piece is carved from a single wood billet, spectacularly demonstrating the maker's skill.

It depicts the position of the human species within the Creation.

The face is surrounded by animal features, signifying the dependence of people on the creatures around them.

The bird at the top, usually a Hornbill, represents the creatures of the air. 

The Antelope horns show the presence of the creatures of the bush or forest, and the serrations below show the jaws of the crocodile: a creature of the water.

The message is that each depends on the others for existence and survival.

What is done to one, affects all.

12 August 2013

Not quite as Old as the Hills .....


Africa is considered by most anthropologists to be the oldest inhabited territory on the earth, with the Human species originating on that continent.

The discoveries of Fossils and of evidence of Human occupation, date from as early as 7 million years ago.

Several species of early ape-like Humans, are thought to have evolved into modern man.

Australopithecus afarensis ( dated to approximately 3.9–3.0 million years BC ), Parnthropus boisei ( c. 2.3–1.4 million years BC ) and Homo ergaster ( c. 1.9 million–600,000 years BC ) have all been documented.



05 August 2013

And now for some Good News from Africa .......

Poverty rates throughout the African continent have been falling steadily, and much faster than previously thought, according to the National Bureau of Economic Research.

The death rate of children under five years of age is dropping, with “clear evidence of accelerating rates of decline,” according to The Lancet.

Perhaps most encouragingly, Africa is “among the world’s most rapidly growing economic regions.” 

23 July 2013

Fabulous Female Figurines ....... Part ll

This wonderful Figurine, complete with Bead & Seashell Couture, comes to us from the Cameroun in West Africa.

The Woodcarving and Finery are an inspired expression of Contemporary African Art.

The Extrovert in the African Character is beautifully captured here.

This piece and several others will appear on our Website shortly.

To see more, go to -


15 July 2013

Fabulous Female Figurines .......

This wonderful Figurine, complete with Bead & Seashell Couture, comes to us from the Cameroun in West Africa.

The Woodcarving and Finery are an inspired expression of Contemporary African Art.

The Extrovert in the African Character is beautifully captured here.

This piece and several others will appear on our Website shortly.

To see more, go to -

05 July 2013

Lovely Beadwork Lizards Are In!

These Lovely Lizards are especially made for us in Zimbabwe.

Their natural habitat is 1181 High Street, Armadale in Melbourne.

They are rare, and are not found anywhere else in Australia.

However, they are not endangered.

They eat almost nothing, and are happiest on your desk, shelf or even on the wall.

They are known to tolerate children and pets with equanimity.

In fact, it is very difficult to get them to move, once they are comfortably in place.

You can view them safely from here -

These Lizards are not known to mate, so you may have to buy two, if you want a larger family of pets.

21 May 2013

Colourful, Versatile Kikois Are Here

 A Kikoi - what is that?

Take a leaf out of the Kenyan book, and get a Kikoi.

Use it as they do.

It's a sarong, a tablecloth, a throw, a shawl, a beach wrap, a picnic blanket... you name it.

And, as it's made of durable machine washable cotton, it will serve all these purposes for a very long time.

Have a look.

13 May 2013


Still a fews days to go until the end of Fair Trade Fortnight.

It's a reminder to everyone to buy Fair Trade products.

Not just food or hand-crafts, but clothing, decor and more.

And not just this fortnight, but every day.

Next time you shop -
  • Ask where the products are made
  • Ask who gets the momey.
  • Ask how much they are paid.
It may be no big deal in the shop, but it's a very big deal in parts of the world, where people do not have a voice.


02 May 2013

May 12 is Mothers' Day - Part lll

Here is a wonderful example of a doll of the Ashante from Ghana, known as "Aku'aba".

There are many variations of this doll, both in size and appearance. However, all incorporate the disc-shaped head.

Many examples also display a post-like body, neck rings and attenuated arms.

The Ashante society is matrilineal, so succession is through the female line of the family. Surely a cause for Mothers' Day celebration.

Here is a selection -

27 April 2013

May 12 is Mothers' Day - Part ll

As Mothers' Day approaches we continue to feature African Mothers.
 The above from a range of Gift Cards which you can see here -

There are 12 designs in the range - ideal as an accompaniment to your Mothers' Day gift.

Mention that you've seen this blog when you purchase a Mother's Day gift from us, and receive 10% off the marked price.

22 April 2013

May 12 is Mothers' Day - Part l

As Mothers' Day approaches we are featuring the many aspects of Motherhood as viewed through African eyes.

These beaded Matrons are from the Ndebele people, whose colourful beadwork and geometric wall paintings are universally recognized.

Their work is on display at the Louvre Museum in Paris, amongst many other recognized Art venues across the world.

And have a Happy Mothers' Day, when it arrives!

12 April 2013

Before You Throw It Away - Part lll

We have a selection of Hand-made Necklaces now in stock, made from recycled paper.

The beads are rolled from strips of magazine and newspaper pages, and are probably the best thing ever to have come out of these publications.

To have a look, pop into the Store.

19 March 2013

Before You Throw It Away - Part II

We stock these lovely Baskets, made in South Africa, from Electrical Wire.

We also carry a range of Jewellery, some made from Electrical Wire, some from Waste Paper and some from Recycled Plastic.

Africans are infinitely resourceful and inventive, and re-use materials over and over, to great effect.

Next time you stare into your waste bin, just think how much you need not throw away!

Have a look for yourself:


04 March 2013

Before You Throw It Away .......

We stock these lovely Bracelets, made in West Africa, from Recycled Plastic Packaging.

We also carry a range of Jewellery and Basketware, some made from Electrical Wire, some from Waste Paper and some from Recycled Plastic.

Africans are infinitely resourceful and inventive, and re-use materials over and over, to great effect.

Next time you stare into your waste bin, just think how much you need not throw away!

Have a look for yourself:

18 February 2013

Love that FairTrade Chocolate

If you enjoy your Cocoa or Chocolate, you'll get far more enjoyment when you buy FairTrade products, because you will know that the Producer is getting a better deal.

FairTrade enables smaller growers to reap greater benefits from their crops by being paid properly.

It provides them with greater security, and an incentive for the future, to keep their livelihoods and prosper.

Here is a magnificent carved wood panel, over a metre in width. It comes from Ghana, West Africa, and shows the many processes of the Cocoa harvest in full swing.

Just Africa is committed to FairTrade principles.

30 January 2013

A Very Happy Valentine's Day

Celebrate Valentine's Day with a perfect display of your affection.

We have a great selection of sculptures like this in stock.

The one you choose will have a very special meaning for your loved one.

The stone is symbolic and long-lasting, and shows your commitment.

Visit our store, or look here -

21 January 2013


Here is a good example of an older 'Colon' or colonial Figure.

It represents a 'General de Brigade' or Brigade General, of the 'Tirailleurs Senegalaise', a militia raised from West Africans in the old colonial period.

These soldiers fought alongside French troops in World War 1 and World War 2 with great distinction.

This authentic figure has some marks of wear and age.

See more -

15 January 2013

The Great Diversity of African Art

African art constitutes one of the most diverse legacies on earth.
The continent is full of people, societies and civilizations, each with its own unique, special culture.
Here is a selection of wonderful products from over 2O African countries:
Text courtesy of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/African_art