20 February 2012

Bishop Nelson visits Just Africa

Welcome to Bishop Onono-Onweng Nelson and his wife at Just Africa.

The Bishop was on a short visit to Melbourne, and spent some time discussing the making and supply of Ugandan Hand Craft.

Bishop Nelson Onono Onweng, born in 1945, was a primary school teacher for many years and joined the Ordained Ministry in 1976.
He subsequently became a school inspector and the director of the Lweza Training and Conference Centre, and in 1988 he was made Bishop of Northern Uganda Diocese.

He is the originator of numerous initiatives for peace and for fighting poverty.

Bishop Onono Onweng’s projects include a poverty-alleviation credit scheme he started in 1976, a non-governmental peace organisation called “Jamii Ya Kapatakanisha” created in 1992, and a technical school for orphans of war, the “Gulu Vocational Community Centre”, founded in 1994.

In 1998, he also started the “Acholi Religious Leaders’ Peace Initiatives” (ARLPI), an inter-faith forum for peace. In 2000, Bishop Onono Onweng received the Uganda Peace Award.

Bishop Nelson is also a recipient of the UNESCO Prize for Peace Education.

Information from the website of unesco.org