17 April 2010

Evidence of the first modern humans in North Africa

Modern man inhabited North Africa 40,000 years earlier than previously thought. Archaeologists have made the discovery using new dating technologies - such as optical stimulated luminescence, which essentially measures the last time a grain of quartz saw the light of day. To read the full article click here

15 April 2010

Magic Africa Exhibition

Heidi Lange
Magic Africa

April 24 - May 8
at Just Africa

UNESCO prize winner Heidi Lange is an artist who has succumbed to Africa's magic and now, in turn, enchants us with her artwork of an unspoilt Africa. Having lived in Kenya's beautiful Rift Valley for over 30 years, her romanticised and stylised work is inspired by a fascination with the African tribes and their cultural traditions.

This collection of silk screen prints shows Heidi's special affinity for the famous Masai, who roam the Serengeti plains; for the women of Kenya with their elaborate personal adornment, and for the bountiful animals and plants of the savannah.

Heidi is a UNESCO, UNEP, Festival due Mondi and Golden Minerva prize winner. She has Public Works at SIDA's headquarters in Stockholm, at the Seronera and Wildenstein's Lodges in Tanzania, and at Africana in Tokyo. She has exhibited world-wide, in places as diverse as Paris and Milan, to Cartagena, Colombia.

To see more of Heidi's work click here 
...or for any further information, contact Annwen on 9824 8750